The Hill - More information on Vimeo.
With: Sylka Feliciano and Mickey Dolan - Written and directed by Ruud Satijn
Produced by Duchy Parade Films
Screenings in a.o. the Netherlands, USA, France and Malta.
Special mention at the New Renaissance Film Festival London/Amsterdam
With Judith Edixhoven and Ian Bok - Written by Liesbeth Wieggers
Directed by Ruud Satijn - Produced by Corrino Drama and Liesbeth Wieggers Producties
Watch the trailer - Follow on Facebook.
phone +31 6 22 22 82 88
represented by Het Contractenbureau
At a Glance (Bezorgd) can be rented by cinemas and movie theaters through Eye Filmmuseum
Trailers & clips on VIMEO
Member of the Dutch Academy For Film (DAFF)
Member of the Dutch Collective Management Organisations for film and television directors and writers Vevam and Lira
Interview Testkammer (German and English - German online magazine)
Online interview for Cinesud (video - Vimeo -English)
Case study At a Glance for Cinesud (English)
Interview for Int. Shorts Film Festival Washington DC - part 1 (video - YouTube - English)
Interview for Int. Shorts Film Festival Washington DC - part 2 (video - YouTube - English)
Interview for Int. Shorts Film Festival Washington DC - part 3 (video - YouTube - English)